This privacy policy has some words or terminologies:
- I/We/Ma Dai Ca/Ma's Big Brother/Bot - refer developer team and the bot Ma Dai Ca
- You - refer the user
- Server – Discord Server
- When you use any services of this bot, you have to provide information for us, and we know that protecting your information is one of the most important missions for us.
- Privacy Policy help you know what type of information we collect, the reason why we need them and how can you change or delete your personal information.
- As soon as you start using our services, you had accepted all terms in this document. If you don't accept, please don't use any services of this bot, and if necessary, you can request us to take you into the Do-not-track list.
- When we change any terms in Privacy Policy document, we will have official announcement in all of our communication channels.
The information we collect: In addition to the information which you provided for us (like Prefix of the bot in Server, Language of Server), we will collect other information like:
Account Information
- Username, Nickname, Avatar, Discriminator, Account ID: Save your achievement like Horse Gold, XP of the bot.
- Roles of your account: When you joining to the server that have co-operation with the bot to release the function like: Role shop, Reaction Role,... This permission not be grant to the bot at first. Your server owner will grant it to the bot if their needs.
Server Information- Server ID, Server Name, Server voice channel: Save setting for your server, like music box repeat mode, now playing song in your guild.
- Server owner: Show information of server when using command /server
MessageWe know that message is sensitive information, and we confirm that only collect from your message this information:- Content, Author, Timestamp, Channel sent, Server sent
When you are using these function of the bot: - Chat with Simsimi: You do not need to @ bot at every message you sent in the thread. After a while (for example: 30 minutes), the bot will not be collect your message in the thread anymore.
- Chat with ChatGPT: You do not need to @ bot at every message you sent in the thread. After a while (for example: 30 minutes), the bot will not be collect your message in the thread anymore.
Voice Channel- The voice channel that you are in: For playing music of loto when you join loto with music at command /batteground or playing music for you when using music box /music
Purpose of almost information we collect:- To create some functions of the bot
- To reply to the prefix command, when we collect the content of the message, we can know that if you used the bot.
- To make the bot more personal, like when you use a command of the bot, we always reply and mention you in the message, or the embed we send.
- To analysis the rate of any commands in all the server so that we can improve the product and debug if something when wrong.
- To enhance the quality of the bot, improve the personalization and make the bot more amicable with users.
- To complete some functions like avoid badword, spammer or autoresponder.
Security & Storing time
- Personal Information (includes: your Discord ID, your username, the guild ID that you have used the bot for the first time) will be protected strictly and stored at our database. These information will be clean up after 15 days from the last time you are using the bot (like run a command). After 15 days, your personal information which can be recognized you on Discord will be forever clean up, but your achievement like your XP, your wallet balance will not be deleted. That mean your achievements and your discord account will be unlink and you can not be access it via your discord account any more. But at the day 15th, you will receive a secret key via DM to recovering it when you want to link your account again. You can contact us to recover your achievements by give us your secret key via our customer services like using command /helps. Note: Your secret key allow you to link any Discord account to your achievements, so do not to give it to anyone else or you will lost the access to your data forever!
- Guild Information (includes: guild ID, guild playground channel ID, guild now playing channel ID, guild name) will be protected strictly and stored at our database. These information will be clean up after 15 days once your server kick out the bot and not to add it anymore. After 15 days, all of these information will be permanently delete.
- Information (includes: message contents) will be used one time when using the command and never be stored.
- All information like your achievement when using bot will be used and stored until you request us to delete all of them. Feel free when contact us at /helps to delete your data at anytime. Note: You Discord account need to be linked with your data at the time you request to delete your data. We can not delete any achievements that have been unlinked. You can link your account to data again by provide us your secret key and continue to request us delete your data.
- All information will be guaranteed strictly and no one except us can access that information.
- We do not provide any services for people under the age of 13 (may be higher in some countries)
- If you provide any information to a person under the age of 13, you will have to be responsible for such information.
- If we find any information about people under the age of 13, we will delete and take the provided account into our blacklist.
- You have the right to ask us to delete or modify your information via the contact address (in the last section). And that means we will not be able to provide any services for you to use.
- The operations of deleting and modifying information will be handled by our regulations as well as the Law.
- We only guarantee the security of your account information when it is stored and used by us. All of your information that needs to be stored will be encrypted by us and using a third-party database. If you provide data that violates the provisions of such third sites, we will not be responsible for handling the matter at all. (Read more about the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of PostgreSQL)
- We are not responsible or liable if you accidentally, intentionally disclose your information and cause consequences later.
- The information of people under the age of 13 is intentionally provided (by guardians, strangers, ...), if discovered, we will completely delete them and will not be responsible for such information.
If we have any change in this document, we will officially announce it in all of our communication channels.
You can contact us to ask support or request to delete your personal information at anytime at:
Thank you for using the bot!